Fettuccine All’ Alfredo

Fettuccine All’ Alfredo

(This was a favourite of Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pickford while dining in Alfredo’s in Rome. It was served with a gold fork and spoon. In the thirteenth century it was known as lagano cum caseo.)

1/4 pound Parmesan cheese (about 1 cup grated)
1 pound fettuccine
1 1/2 cups heavy cream
4 tablespoons butter pepper

  • Grate the cheese
  • Cook the fettuccine in a large pot of boiling water until tender. Drain and return to pot. With the pot set over the lowest heat, add the cream, butter and 1/2 cup of the parmesan cheese to the pasta and toss until the butter is melted. Season to taste with pepper. Serve immediately and pass a pepper mill and the remaining parmesan.

Makes four servings

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